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Thread: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

  1. #31
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    I would defnitely have to say FFVI. From the opera scene to the final battle, the music was not only of high quality, but also fit every situation perfectly.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Overall, my favourite cast was in FFX. I think that each character was not only well-developed, but also well-devloped over a good amount of time, rather than rushing in an entire bio in five minutes. It seems that in some games you know everything about a character within the first few minutes: their past, their motives, their inspiration. I believe that FFX is different because you don't discover these things until the characters become closer and begin to trsut each other a little more. It gives the whole thing a very [I]real[I] feel.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    My favourite character is Seifer, of Final Fantasy VIII. To be honest, I couldn't tell you why-I guess he's just really cool. ^_^

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    For battle systems I like FFIX's the best. Although most people I know are into the heavy customation of FF's like V, I believe when a character comes with set abilities it definitely helps to build a character just as much as any FMV. For instance, Zidane's "steal" ability cements him as good-spirited but at least somewhat misguided member of Tantlus that he is. It makes him come off almost as Robin Hood. This same idea also applies to FFVI, but I think FFIX is cooler.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    My favourite main villain is probably Kuja. Although a little on the fruity side as far as choice of dress goes, I think his motives and actions are, although still sinister, make you unable to help feeling sorry for him. I also found that by the end of the game he was made out to be a hero more than a villain, with Zidane going as far as thanking him. His personality is defnitely a ten as well, combining a hint of Kefka's insanity with debonaire confidence of Sephiroth.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    This one is a tie for me. FFVI, as the transition to an almost purely storyline-based generation of games, was fantastic for both it's originality and simply the way it was revealed, again, over time. As you can probably tell I don't like my games to feel "rushed". The other winner would be FFX. Again, although most of the FF storylines are awesome, FFX is put on another plain based on how well it plays out. I think that this can make or break a game. For instance, despite what others may think, while FFV's storyline was pretty bad, I honestly believed that if it played out a little differently (while keeping the same basic aspects) it could be just as good as any other.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    I really enjoyed FFVI's ending more for the way it was presented than the actual content. As far as the latter is concerned, however, my favourite ending was that of FFX. I think it was the perfect cap to what I feel to be the almost perfect game. Most was revealed, while still leaving a few things up to the imagination. This combination made for a great ending.

  2. #32
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    I would have to say that this criteria would be fulfilled by VIII, on the account of that it had real quality classical moving music, whereas VII's was a bit 'synthy' VIII sounded really quality. but i must make a special mention of the quality voice acting in FFX - i thought it would be dissappointing but it is superb.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    eer, this one would have to be VII - you had cloud, who everyone could just relate to, and had awesome hair, barret who epitomised unremanding faith and loyalty, vincent who was surrounded by mystery and was intriguing, cid who was the bravado gung-ho type who just added fun to the game, aeris who was the quiet type who you felt a great love for, and tifa who had your sympathy and she would only ever be number 2 to cloud.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    my favourite character is cloud from VII, as he is someone you can really feel for and relate to, and when aeris dies, it sounds lame but you almost feel his upset, but that is testament to squares amazing scriptwriters who did a fantastic job on VII

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    i would actually say X - the Sphere grid is a very good idea, and allows greater charachter variation than ever before - however on the other hand if you have the time and the energy you can simply make every character have every ability - the collecting items to customise weapons is also superb, and adds depth to a great game

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    VII again - with sephiroth - he was surrounded by such mystery, and the character design was second to none, they certainly know how to make a really cool looking character at square, and sephiroth was really aided by the superb storyline, as you really wanted to defeat him at the end.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    good lord it will have to be VII again - it had a very engaging storyline which you really got into, and you actually wanted to complete the game with a real desire because the storyline had sucked you in to such effect that you had to see how it ended - the storylines of all the FF's since really have paled in comparison

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    VII YET AGAIN - the ending is phenominal - i mean hands up who was expecting an ending of that quality? and it was so unexpected, when aeris comes up with the life force just when you think that all is doomed - its was a worthy ending to the greatest game of all time

  3. #33
    Favorite Music: Final Fantasy VII- The Music in final fantasy VII variated all throughout the game. The music of Sephiroth sent chills down my spine every time that bell rang, and Aeris' music when she dies is very deep and almost makes you sad. The music captivated each part in the game and fitted it very well.

    Favorite Characters: Final Fantasy VII- The characters in final fantasy VII came from every corner of the world for one purpose and the variation in their personalities is what made the game great. The ill-tempered Barret, the foul-mouthed Cid, and the mysterious Vincent. And even though they came from all over each one had a connection with another character.

    Favorite Character: Final Fantasy X: Tidus- Tidus was my favorite character of all the final fantasies so far becaus he was loving, and yet not too much to the extreme (Squall), and yet he was strong but not too much to the extremem (Cloud). Also the fact that he played blitzball and had very tyte hair gave him my vote for best final fantasy character ever.

    Favorite Battle System: Final Fantasy X- This one has no competition in my opinion. The experience system was dropped, the level system was dropped, and the turn base system was dropped. The sphere grid gave you freedom and yet gave them a path to keep them on track. Also the ability to finally break 9,999 was a major plus for me, just the limitation on damage in the previous final fantasies made the boss' ten times harder no matter how strong you were. And the summon ability is using the basic idea from FF8 only they stay in the fight.

    Favorite Villian: Final Fantasy VII: Sephiroth- This villian was a clouded mystery which is unveiled slowly throughout the game, yet they give you some background on him and where he fits in. He was always calm, intelligent, and chaotic which gave him the perfect combination for the villian.

    Favorite Storyline: Final Fantasy X- This one was tough, I was deciding between FFX and FF7. FF7 has a good plot with all the pieces fitting together piece by piece and your understanding of the game grew as you progressed. Also it wasnt focused on love (FF8) or just plain destruction, but it had to much chaos in one world. There was no peace. Yet FFX mixed the storyline it placed the pieces, but you couldnt put them together until you got the whole story which made everything come together. Not to mention it mixed a love story with a world of chaos being rebuilt.

    Favorite Ending: Final Fantasy VIII- The ending for FF8 first cleared a couple things visually and yet made you think squall was dead when he was out cold in the field. Yet at the VERY end it shows him appear and him and Rinoa kiss. And it shows some humor with zell eating and choking and then throwing the food at the camera and the mood was happy. Perfect

  4. #34
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy X. Sure, FF8 had a great sound track, but I loved FFX's better. Suteki Da Ne had a great rhythm to it and singing. The world music was also great. When I was traveling to Djose, I was enjoying the music as I was running around like an idiot. There was also the short broken-record music of danger music, when its goes Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun when your in trouble. It made my heart race, unlike other FF music.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Final Fantasy VI's Character Cast. Without a doubt, FFVI had my favorite characters. They had a blended variety of characters. Celes a solder, Terra an Esper/Human, Sabin the muscle head, Edgar the pimp, Cyan the noble swordsmen, Gau the crazy as kid, Strago the old man , Relm the artist, Setzer the gambler, Gogo the mysterious mimic'er, and Shadow the silent Ninja. Look at this variety of characters. It went from Muscle to a paint brush! I loved the selection of characters in this Final Fantasy.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy VI's Celes Chere. She had the heart, courage, and strength. Not to mention that she also looked great for a sprite . Even though people don't use her skill "Runic". I found it pretty useful fending against magical attacks, but it also took lucky and guess. Celes did pretty high damage for a Spell Caster. Especially when I equiped "Jewel Box", A magic power up, and that one sword that steals mana. She would heal, and cast Ultima like MAD. Courage? She was a double agent. Sneeking into the evil side and pretending to be one of them. But actually saved the party, and gave information. Her character developement was also kind of mysterious like Terra's.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy X. No competition really. The Sphere Grid was unique, you actually needed to find items to gain access to higher magic skills. Each character could gain specific spheres, or gain them all. You could customize your character totally. You chose wether they used an Agility Sphere or a Power Sphere, all depended on you. There is also the Gameplay, it was amazing. Switching in and out, so you never left a character out. When one is about to die, you just switched another in. Using Strategy against a monster or boss determined which characters you switched in and out.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy VI's Kefka! That mad man was just amazing. His laughter made you laugh, his Schemes were brilliant, his clothes were unique . All the madness of evil and comedy into one super villian!

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy VII. FFVII contained the childhood story, then Cloud, the main character, telling he will be the best of the best. Looking up to Sephiroth as his role model. Also some moments between Tifa and Cloud. Sephiroth being confused about who he was, the Ancients, it was just a nice and complicated storyline with a nice twist. FFVII kept be occupied all the way. Went from Shinra trying to suck the planet to death, to a Big Meteor about to crash into the planet. The story just changed so smoothly.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Final Fantasy VI. Well since I don't remember most of the endings of all the FFs. With FFVII and FFX's open ending, my choice would be FFVI. Why? Because depending on who you had in your party determined the end. Providing more choices and selections for the endings. The ending was also original in a way. Showing the characters trying to escape from the falling tower. You get to see several different moments of their escape depending on who was in your party. Just a classical ending for me.

  5. #35



    Final Fantasy VI. All of the tunes in this game were all wonderfully arranged in such a way that they formed a harmony. From the battle theme to the Opera House, all of these songs were awesome. In fact, some of these songs are so good that you can actually hear parts of them in other Final Fantasy games. And don't forget the the laugh of Kefka! Excellent. Runnerup: Final Fantasy VII.


    Final Fantasy VI. Yet again, this game comes out on top. Not only did this game have wonderful characters with wonderful personalities, it had so MANY. This does not take away points from this game, oh no, not like Chrono Cross did. All characters have unique skills, including Sabin's Bum Rush (my favorite), which also add to the characters personallities. Two thumbs up. Runnerup: Final Fantasy X.


    Locke Cole. This This sarcastic attitude, his dangerous occupation, everything about him is just so cool! And he's even got a sensitive side to boot (don't worry, no spoilers) and forms wonderful relationships with all the characters (well, most of them anyway). Amazing. Runnerup: Vincent Valentine.

    Battle System

    Final Fantasy VII. Sorry FFVI, FFVII beat ya here. And not to rub it in FFVI, but by far. The rotating camera, the materia, the limit breaks, the spells, the weapons, the arenas...what else is missing? Nothing! This game hosts my favorite battle system by far and probably will until FFC (FF100) comes out. Kudos. Runnerup: Final Fantasy VI/IX.


    Sephiroth. This guy is just so...dang...evil! This arch rival is so evil that he isn't even human! One thing I really liked about this villian though is that he actually followed the storyline (lacking in many other FF games) so tightly. He's not just a guy thats all big and bad either, he has purpose. Shocking. Runnerup: Kefka.


    Tie: Final Fantasy VII and IX. Amazing, I know. I actually liked the storyline in IX. I could follow it with ease and it was a nice change of pace from the oh-so-serious FF games. Although FFVII had a somewhat dark storyline, it was enjoyable to see what happened next. It was so unpredictable. I loved both. Runnerup: None.


    Final Fantasy IX. Classic. Simply classic! The rescue a princess thing was old to me, but this game delivered this idea so well that it wasn't at all repetitive. This is probably the most touched I've ever been in playing a videogame, and I'm usually not an emotional person that way. Congrats! Runnerup: Final Fantasy VI.

  6. #36
    Hopefully I will be able to make this look like I'm a genius.... lol.Well, here goes.

    Favorite Music - FF7 - I believe that FF7 had my favourite music. I think that Aeris's Theme and the Final Sephiroth Battle theme were well done and that these masterpieces helped to project the emotions and feelings from the game. Also, all the music from FF7 stuck in my mind, and I find myself humming the tunes throughout my day

    Favorite Characters - FFX - Though my preference would be FF7, I think FFX had the best cast of characters. Tidus was complex and had much to him, acting heroic one minute, and breaking down & crying the next. He had depth which was revealed throughout the game. Auron was also a miraculous character, whose ominous decorum always had countenance.....this is getting to be too lengthy so I will not further pursue explaining each character.....

    Favorite Character - My favorite character would have to be Cloud. His past is shrouded in mystery for most of the game, and is revealed as the game progresses. I especially like !Possible Spoilers!........

    the flashback scene with Tifa. It was as if he was finding himself, and Tifa was there as a nepenthe for Cloud to quaff to relieve him of his sorrow, a...... sorry, I trailed off. Whatever. Cloud is a well-developed character.

    Favorite Battle System - FF7 - The FF7 Battle System was well thought out and did not present many problems. Though MP may be annoying, drawing spells from enemies is definetly the greater of the two evils. All in all, I think the materia system has some ingenius qualities, like the linked slots, and the leveling of the materia. That is why its my #1 choice.

    Favorite Villian - FF7 - SEPHIROTH - Sephiroth is a good example of the phrase, "Those that are evil used to be good". AS a young man Sephy was a trustworthy Soldierand a courageous powerful man. However, Sephiroth lost his virtue and performed many inexplicable deeds, out of anger and bloodlust. The impending shadow that hung over his soul had soon engulfed him, turning him into an instrument of evil. He is truly the definition of a villian.

    Favorite Storyline - FF7 - Suspenseful. Twists. Devious. Creative. These are some of the reasons that I chose FF7's storyline. Not only does it have a devious villian who devises a plan so evil and vile, it has friendship, trust, and well, sacrifice. FF7 is what introduced me to this series, and perhaps that is why I chose it.

    Favorite Ending - FF IX - I will simply tell you why I didn't chose the other FF games that I played.

    FF VII- Though I love this game, the ending didn't exaclty explain much. I guess thats what you get when Square rushes it into production.

    FF VII - The moment when Squall can't seem to remeber Rinoa's face. It just.... I don't know.... "turned me off" so to say.

    FF X - Simply because I have not the slightest idea of what happened. It just sort of........ ended.

    Well there you have it. I guess this is what you get when you try to get an intelligent response from a 13 year old. (Yes, I'm 13). Anyway, overall, my favorite game was FF VII.

  7. #37
    as u can tell from here, these are my 2 fav games lol...

    Favorite music.ack! ummmm cant really say the midi sounds of the past games lol though i do liek a few of them but id have to say it's really close with FFVII and FFX! i heard the 'To Zanarkand' song in the trailer on tv and fell in love! all 4 disks were awesome for FFX and FFVII'! The music from FFVII NEVER got repetitive (with the exception of Gold Saucer lol) which is what i love. but i liked FFVII's music alot better cause alot of the music coincidedwith the plot...liek aeris' death...the music they played..perfect. sorta a tear jerking song with the others though it's jsut sorta there..the music in FFVII really represents a part of the story, not just music itself.

    Hmm I loved the FFX chracters cause they were so lifelike. They really showed more than just the outer appearance..sorta like you had that attachment with them emotionally. anything that can get you tied emotionally to it would make it seem more real

    All time fav evil character...even though he was so evil, you HAD to love him for it. that's right..Sephiroth. Dude...the shady figure..the black cape..dang, that sword! well when a shady guy that kicks major arse and u have no idea anything about him comes on the scene it jsut adds a lil mystery adn spice to the whole dont know how they are. so when they do something, u could never have predicted it. now for those of you that played FFVII and never heard a thing about it from your friends or from anything else..who here can honestly say that you expected Sephiroth to jump down outta nowhere and do that??? EXACTALLY and what happened is that it made you so confused as to why he would do it and it made u angry cause aeris didnt deserve it and she was a great girl. whereas if u knew the guy, then u might sorta say 'well yeah i knew that was gonna happen sooner or later'

    Fav. FF battle system..FFVII definitely. Materia! haha i loved it..always exciting to find new ones. plus, the combined materia effect along with the mime thing and double slash..i love variables!!! they keep your interest!

    my fav FF guy would have to be tidus. i loved his character..he was a great, fun loving kind of guy that had a passion for a sport and strived to be the best. and he wasnt haughty about it. he jsut played the was his hobby. i think that it's cool. haha especially seeing how his personality and yuna's got along so well. he can relate to other people in the game, and i tihnk that he showed more character in any of the FF's i've played

    Fav storyline would HAVE to be FFVII. no way around it. i mean an evil guy bent on talking over the earth. a (major) suprise twist at the end and it's sorta like Fight Club cause u remember everything that happened before in the game..the things u didnt really think about but then u say to urself omg att the stuff in the storyline build up to this one thing and i never noticed it. i thought that was awesome

    Fav ending would probally have to be FFX's. I never thought the main character wouldn't last the whole story! it suprised me with the whole thing..and when tidus jumped off the airship and went down and saw all of was cool..i like suprise stuff..

  8. #38
    One True Madali
    The Final Fantasy which had my favorite music would have to be Final Fantasy 9 because the music was so soothing and it went along with gameplay and the key songs like "Melodies Of Life" played out at the best parts of the game.

    As for my favorite Final Fantasy that had my favorite characters, my opnion scatters throughtout because my favorite characters were Sephiroth, Cloud, and Squall. I liked those three because they were always serious abot getting a job done and they dont let their feelings get in their way.

    Final Fantasy X had the best battle system because it is most modern and its easy to understand.

    My favorite villain would have to be Sephiroth because he is ruthless and his style is great. i like the all black, long hair, Long Sword style.

    Final Fantasy 7 had my favorite storyline because it was so complex. The storyline was excellent and the storyline of FFIX was great too because of the adventurous cliffhangers but FF7 would win overall in storyline.

    Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy IX had my favorite endings. The musical store added in and mixed into the full motion videos made for an excellent ending.

    ....Lets just say.....The right music was played at the right time.

  9. #39
    I've never played any of the older Final Fantasy games, because they are not as widely avalible so my view is restriced to VII-X and a few hours of VI.

    Music - I liked the music to FFX much better than the pervious games. The quality was better, but that was only a small fraction of it. They seem to have widened the 'music spectrum' a bit in this game. There are a few heavy songs, and many light and symphonic ones. I just loved the mix, the different styles reflected the different moods of the game much better than I saw in past ones.

    Overall Characters - Overall I liked the characters in FFVII the most. I felt they were very well developed and easy to relate too. Their diverse personalities caused extra friction that added to their realism.

    Single Character (FFVII Soilers) - Aeris wins a hard fought battle here. I felt she was one of the most 'realist' characters of the series. Her death cut her role short but she continued to develop all through the game.

    Battle System - One of the only things I liked about FFIX was the battle system. There was not much room for customization, but I liked that part. Every character had a 'class' and a set list of moves they would learn. I knew what to expect of the characters and that let me organize the team better and with less hassle.

    Favorite Villian - I only played a little bit of FFVI (There is so much confusion about the numbers here for me... I hope I got it right) but I though Kefka was a great villian. The thing about him that made him better than Sephiroth was the sense of humor that surrounded him. His comical frustration made his character.

  10. #40
    These SQL errors are drving me nutz.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    -Final Fantasy 4 - Nobuo's best was FF4-6, and 4 just beats ot FF5 with the nostalgic factor. In FF4 there wasn't a song I FF5 and FF6 there was one song in both that I hated. FF5=Harvest(that annoying town music), FF6=Relm's theme.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    -Final Fantasy 4 - Cain, Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, and Tella's stories were just very good. I guess I'm just old school. FF5 only had 5 characters so you can't really use it for comparison to FF4 or FF6.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    -Final Fantasy 4 - Cain, he just says "f*ck you" and kicks ppl'z asses.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    -Final Fantasy 4 - I'm including my opinion on the natual magic, item, and stat systems in my choice here. FF1-3 & FF5-FF6 are just too linear. FF6's characters are so linear in those catagories it's sickening. The only thing that shows that thier not all the same is the 1 battle command and the sprite...otherwise they're all the damn same.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    -Final Fantasy 5 - ExDeath (NeoExDeath's battle form is just godly), ExDeath just owns over Cefca anyday. ExDeath just looks cool being an "evil person" where as Cefca is just goofy.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    -Final Fantasy 4 - I just prefer the story over any other FF. Although FF8's story was fantastic, as well as FF5 and FF6.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    -Final Fantasy 5 - Great ending, great music in the ending, and great story telling at the end.

    Catagory I'm adding: Favorite dungeon/cave/area and why?
    -Final Fantasy 1 - Temple of Fiends Past, it just has the nostalgic factor over all other. MagiTek Factory, and Lunar Subterrane comes in a VERY close second.

  11. #41
    Which FF had your favorite music?
    Final Fantasy 3E/6J has the best all around music in my opinion. The themes are used just right to create the mode for each game setting. Locke's theme being one of the major pieces.

    Which FF had your favorite characters overall?
    Final Fantasy 3E/6J. For a game on the SNES the characterization was far superior to all other games available at the time.

    Which FF had your favorite character?
    Final Fantasy 3E/6J for the reason that Setzer Gambani is a character that I can really identify with. His zeal for life and living it to the fullest and persuing what makes him happy. Although his life started and ended every time you pushed the power switch on your SNES.

    Which FF had your favorite battle system?
    Final Fantasy 8 had the best overall battle system. The only thing that really took forever was leveling GFs.

    Which FF had your favorite villian?
    Final Fantasy 9 would have to be my choice here. Although I feel all of the FF series villians need some more work in terms of characterization. Kujo in this case has to win though due to his coolness of riding a dragon and being intelligent.

    Which FF had your favorite ending?
    Final Fantasy 7 had my favorite ending. It sort of wrapped up the entire world in the ending. That and it was really the only ending that didn't leave me feeling that there was still more to accomplish before the world was saved.

    Which FF had your favorite storyline?
    Final Fantasy 3E/6J has my favorite storyline. I mean what can be better than being in the original FF resistance movement theme and stopping an evil empire. FF7 had a good plot as well however it was too similar to 3E/6J for me.

    Which FF had your favorite cave/area/dungeon/castle?
    Final Fantasy 3E/6J wins here for me too. The Phantom Forest.

  12. #42
    Favourite Music FFVII

    Even though I love the Melodies of Life tune from FFIX, I’d have to say FFVII had the best music. The boss battle theme really pumped me up for the crucial encounters, Aries’ theme was incredibly sad, and tunes such as Wall Market and Cosmo Canyon were equally pleasant. Apart from Eyes on Me, the soundtracks from VIII and also X were pretty uninspiring.

    Favourite Character Aries, FFVII

    I loved this character. She was a shining hope to all, who gave her life to save the planet. A superb ally, she was charming to have around, and her death brought tears to my eyes.

    Favourite Characters Overall FFIX

    Simply for diversity, I’d have to choose FFIX. The cute mage, Vivi, was complimented by the hulking Amarant, whereas characters such as Quina and Steiner provided some much needed comic relief, and Zidane’s attitude was exemplary. The quotes for the characters gave you an insight into them; these approaches to life were reflected throughout the game.
    As for the other games, I did like Cloud, Aries and Red XIII, but not Tifa (because I wanted Cloud and Aries to be together). Squall was rather strange and too much of a loner (and I don’t like his name), however, Rinoa was nice, and Selphie and Zell were funny.

    Favourite Battle System FFIX

    I’d definitely have to go for IX here. The different abilities of the characters complimented their different attitudes (as I mentioned above). The method of assigning abilities was pretty well executed too, and having four party members was a nice chance. In VII, it didn’t matter who you chose in your party; they could all cast the same spells – if you equipped the right material – and summon the same creatures. I found the approach of every character being different a lot better. FFVIII had a very poor system. It was annoying having to junction magic, especially if you wanted to use it later; for example, if you used Curaga when it was junctioned to your HP, your HP’s total would decrease. The GF system (countdowns, remember) didn’t fare well with me either.
    Don’t even get me started about FFX. It took me around 10 hours just to get used to the sphere grid! And then I couldn’t find any ability sources!! Arrggh! On a serious note, I find it much more effective if the game regulates the growth of your characters, but, having said that, I can see that some die-hard fanatics would like the flexibility the sphere grid offers. In addition, the ability to swap in and out characters from a battle was highly useful.

    Favourite Villain Sephiroth, FFVII

    Sephiroth succeeded in being both cool and bad; indeed, in many ways, he was a lot like Kuja from FFIX. He destroyed Cloud’s hometown, killed Aries, and tried to destroy the planet. How many more reasons do you need to hate a guy?

    Favourite Storyline FFVII

    Of course, it would have to be FFVII. Cloud’s struggle with the oppressive Shinra corporation and his own mysterious past – not to mention his personality disorder – was an epic creation. FFVII sucks you into its magical world and you just don’t want to leave. From the original, cold hearted missions, to the tragic death of Aries, along with Tifa’s quest to build a new Cloud, to the final, satisfying Omnislash on Sephiroth, FFVII rules! Aries’ selflessness in praying for Holy, Red XIII meeting his heroic father and Barrett’s confrontation with Dyne can pay no homage to this massive game.
    Credit is due to FFVIII, which offered a much brighter theme – this was most welcome – and to FFIX, which sort of crossed the two.

    Favourite Ending FFVII

    In FFVII, everyone realised what was most important to them. Cloud realised he should be himself, and that he could meet Aries in the Promised Land. Vincent realised that he could not have saved Luciel; Cid realised that he should have been nicer to his wife. The very end, when Aries lifts her head from the lifestream (as she does in the opening sequence) touched me more than any other game, and is the reason why I chose FFVII’s ending sequence as the best.
    Last edited by ~mischa; 10-31-2002 at 03:24 AM.

  13. #43
    Favorite Music
    For music I'd have to say FF6. Although FF8 comes in close second. The song they play in the Veldt, Kefka's Theme, and Shadow's Theme are brilliant masterpieces. If anyone is willing to pay $70 for the Final Fantasy VI: Piano Collections invite me over to your place. This is what turned the tide to FF6. Plus, the potential for remix is a bonus here. So far I found mostly junk on the internet. But there is this one song "Kefka Goes West" by some dude named Noppz. It's brilliant. It's the Veldt music crossed with Kefka's theme to make a kickass tune.

    Favorite Characters Overall
    This goes to Final Fantasy Six. They're so diverse and flavorful. From Celes, who is a purehearted girl working for the badguys. To Shadow who'd "Slit his mama's throat" for a nickel.

    Favorite Character
    Probably my only non Final Fantasy Six choice here is Squall Leonhart. Why? Because he's an asshole. An asshole with a personality that springs out of nowhere. Yet he develops through the story into a great person. Walking halfway across the ocean just to save a single life. Stepping up to the plate to be a leader when he can't even keep his own life in control. And showing sympathy and support when it is he who needs it the most.

    Favorite Battle System
    Final Fantasy Six wins again. The flexibility here amazes me. It has been easily the most inspiring in terms of the battle system I'm designing for my own video game (still in it's early stages, the Toolkit I'm using is going to go through a major overhaul, so I'm going to wait until the next version comes out). The row system is good fun and strategy.

    Favorite Villain
    Hmmmm. Tough one. I'd have to say it's a tie between Kefka and Seifer. Kefka has the advantage of being the only truly evil badguy, but Seifer has the advantage of actually being kickass. His style, aggressive attitude, and confidence ends up giving him depth as the player sees that in truth, he has absolutely no control over his life. He's run by desperation and irritation.

    Favorite Storyline
    Final Fantasy Six is on a roll in my mind. Betrayal, mystery, love, grief, travelling across a diverse world. Plus, the little mini-quests/games are good fun. The part with Locke in South Figaro is good fun as I travel trying to find ways to trick everyone and screw them all over in the end.
    <center>Aint got no one,
    (No tengo a nadie)
    That I know of,
    (No tengo a nadie)
    That I can depend on.
    (No tengo a nadie)

  14. #44
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Lazer's Avatar
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    Grassy knoll.
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    For music I guess I'd say FF6.... I mean every part had music just right for the occasion. Also the battle music was nice and hyped up. Lacked the cool end music like FF8/FF9 had but they were only midi's so meh.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    This again will be FF6. One reason is simply the amount. But more then that I found every character had there ups and down. Some major life problem that made you really be able to relate to them. For examle Locke's Guilt ridden concience for not being able to save Racheal.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Lol, again I'm gonna say FF6 again. Locke has always been me fave FF character. Hes got cool clothes, a cool attitude and the best lines.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    This is by a long shot FF8. I love the way that most of your power comes from leveling and not levels. YOu can have a level 40 more powerfull then a level 100 if you junction everything right. I also think the limit breaks in it are incredibly cool.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    I'm probably gonna say Reno from FF7. That guys the shit. All kinda of funny lines. I also liked his attacks in battle.... the old cattle prod.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    This ones going to FF8. I think it had the greatest sense of realism of all the FF's. Not only that but I thought the fact that it was kind of a love story was interesting.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Again I'm gonna go with FF8. The cinematic was awsome, and I liked the way it showed Squall lost in nowhere and Rinoa finds him.
    ThE cHoSeN

  15. #45
    Ex-SOLDIER Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Cloud Strife's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Final Fantasy VII, every music track I listened too was great, and I never get tired of listening to it. I especially loved Aeris' Theme. But every piece was really well done.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Final Fantasy IX gets my vote here. I loved all of the characters, everyone was well done and they all fit in together nicely.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Final Fantasy VII, Cloud Strife. This character really reminded me of me. He used my favorite weapon of all, his hair rocked, he was just an all-around great character.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Final Fantasy X, it was easy to keep up with the battle and plan out your attacks. I wish they all were done like that.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Final Fantasy VI, Kefka. This guy was fuckin' nuts! Hilarious as well, I liked him.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Final Fantasy VII. The storyline is what made the game as popular as it is today, I never get tired of playing it over and over again.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Final Fantasy X, because of it's voice overs and graphics made me think I was actually watching a move and not playing a game!

  16. #46
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    My pick would be had some nice music for all parts of the game. The songs didnt get annoying even after a few hours of leveling up.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Overall, I would say IV had the best characters. Many times FF characters seem like they have no drive for their cause, but each character in IV had a cause. Also, each character was strictly individual, and none seemed alike.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    My favorite character would probably be Auron from FFX. In my opinion, he had the best character development of all. As Braskas guardian, he was arrogant and proud, which got him killed. As an unsent he slowly turns more toward thinking before acting, and forming strong opinions.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    This is, by far, my easiest choice. FFIV had my personal favorite system. All you had to do was level up and the character would learn spells, abilities, etc. No AP, no complicated systems. Also, the weapons were fairly easy. No customizations or Materia slots for me to worry about.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Seifer and Kefka were my two favorite villians. If I had to pick one, it would be Seifer by a hair. He is not an invincible demon, or something like that. He is just another student, who happens to like to kill other students.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    VII had the most amazing storyline of any game I have ever played. It throws you right into the action of the game, and then your hooked. Sephiroth, Shinra, Ancients, all truly amazing story pieces.

  17. #47
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Final Fantasy VI and IX is my favourite soundtracks. many good songs that you'll nevet get tired of listening to. My favourite songs from those soundtracks are, VI: Edgar and Aria Di Mezzo. IX: Immortal Song and Kujas Theme.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Fianl Fantasy IX. The character design is very good, and each and every character has a good story. Take Vivi as an exampel, he could easily made a whole game only about him. It's almoust like two storylines in one.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    My favourite character is Squall. I really dont know why, but i'll guess i like his style. And the gunblade is the coolest sword in Final Fantasy history (acording to me).

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Final Fantasy VIII. There's just so much to do.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Final Fantasy VII. Sepiroth, never have i seen such evil in a Final Fantasy game. Brilliant character

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Final Fantasy VI. When Final Fantasy VI came out, the graphics didn't mean as much as it does now. So everything (almost everything) was depending on the storyline, and thats why it's has the best storyline of all Final Fantasy games.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Final Fantasy VIII. What can i say? It's my favourite game, and the ending is really great. That's just the way it is.

  18. #48
    Custom User Title Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8 both had my favorite music in them. In Final Fantasy 7 Vincent's theme song is cool because of the ecuestic guitar that plays it and the mellow sound of it. Cait Sith's theme song was also cool because it had that unique sound to it. I also liked the Coral Desert Prison theme song too, I don't know why but it catches my interest in it.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    In Final Fantasy 1, I like all the characters because each time you start a new game you can try new combos. In Final Fantasy 7 my favorite characters are Sephiroth, Vincent, Tifa, and Cait Sith. I like Sephiroth because he's a bad a$$ villian with a tight blade. Cait Sith has the cool attitude. Vincent's life was hard and he has a somewhat cruel attitude but that was because of his life, I like hime the most. Tifa is one good looking ba/be with a great body, no doubt about it. In Final Fantasy 8 I liked Seifer, Squall, Zell, Irvine, and Laguna. I like Seifer and Squall because of their attitudes, Seifer was a tough guy and Squall was against life. Zell was cool because it was as if he could take on the world. Irvine was a ladies man and Laguna was in my opinion was cool.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    FF1, FF7, FF8, FF9, and FFT. In Final Fantasy 1 I liked the Red Mage because he could use both white and black magic and was also good in strength at the same time. In FF7 I like Vincent because of his theme song, life, and attitude. In FF8 I liked Squall for the same reason I like Vincent in FF7. In Final Fantasy 9 I like Kuja, he's one badass boss and both Kuja and Zidane look similar to each other. In FFT I like Cloud because he's fimiliar to us.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8, and Final Fantasy 1. Final Fantasy 1 is a classic, you buy magic for a mage and use it in battle and you buy equipment to battle with. Final Fantasy 7 is the same except the magic is in the materia and there are different and unique ways in using the materia with your armor and weapon. In Final Fantasy 8, you draw magic or should I say para-magic, from the enemies to later use on them. All of this is less confusing unlike Final Fantasy 10 with the whole grid thing.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy 7. Sephiroth was the villion of all villions in any way. Cool sword, cool story line, bad attitude, and almost invincible.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    I liked Final Fantasy 8's storyline. One reason is FF8 is my favorite FF but the history with the wars and going through the game. Its all cool. And when people say there is only one objective, they're all wrong.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    I only beat Final Fantasy 7 out of all the FF's so I would have to say that Final Fantasy 7's ending was my favorite ending even though it was my only ending. Cloud's omnislash was tight.

  19. #49
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Sykes's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

    Which FF had your Favorite Music? Easily FF7. It's music was catchy, nice and despite songs being repeated, you never tired! Although FF9 had some pretty great tunes as did 6.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? FF9. Zidane was a great cool character, as was Vivi and Steiner. I think anyone could connect with one of the characters from FF9.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it? Zack from FF7. The original Cloud. He was actually stronger than Cloud if you think about it...

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? 7. The materia was simple and effective. A perfect mix of magic, summons and attacks. 6 had a pretty great system too.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?6. Kefka. Conniving, cunning, clever and most of all damn scary! Possibly the most evil man EVER. Kefka was godlike when it came to intelligence.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? 7. The plot was perfect, confusing and was well-explained. The plot points were also well placed. The opposite of 10. 9 and 6 had really great plots as well, but 7 just clinched it.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? Well 9! 9 was like FF mxed with Sonic and had the coolest scene I've seen in a game!
    Last edited by Sykes; 05-31-2003 at 01:37 AM.

  20. #50
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Sierra's Avatar
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    Here, in my head.
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy VII had my favorite music.All the songs brought out the scenes they were in so well,like Aeris' Theme when know.It didn't have a big vocal theme like all the FF's after it,but for some reason that seemed sort of better.I loved all the great instrumental pieces.All the songs when you're inside the villages is great,because they give it such a peaceful,calm mood.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Final Fantasy VI.I loved how they all had this really unique rolls and mysteries about them.The more recent Final Fantasies,I find a lot of the characters are just annoying.But FFVI's characters never were annoying to me,not even Gau.Plus I loved how in the beginning they all had unique abilities.Like,Terra was the only one with magic,Edgar had his tools,etc.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy VI,Setzer Gabbiani(or however it's spelt)I admired his strength and his opinions about life and living it to the fullest."My Life is a chip in your pile;ante up",I thought that was so clever.And his thing with Darryl was so sad.I almost cried when he was talking about that part.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy VII.I thought the materia was effective and a great idea.And combining it made everything so much cooler,and there were so many differant kinds there were no ends to the combos you could make.I mean,with the all stuff and the steal and everything else they had going on.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy VII,Sephiroth.Classic,crazy,sexy villian.He was so cool too,running around with that masamune.But I think he was really a little misunderstood,with the whole Jenova thing and all that.You kinda feel sorry for him.But he was a great villain.I loved his style too

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    This is a tough one...but I'd have to say Final Fantasy VII again.Everything about Sephiroth and the meteor and the planet and the lifestream and all that was just so good.And the role all the characters had to play,and Cloud's choice between Aeris and Tifa and everything was just soooooo brilliant.It kept me hooked until the very end.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Final Fantasy VIII.It was just so touching,and I loved when they were all running around with the video camera.That was so cool and funny.And Rinoa and was so...awwwwww....I never get tired of that ending.It's just so perfect.And the part where Squall's kind of freaking out and the images of Rinoa and everyone are flashing everywhere and they're all blurry and distorted.I thought that was amazing.

  21. #51
    Frank Daisy
    Favorite Music:

    Without a doubt, Final Fantasy VI. This was Nobuo Uematsu's ultimate tribute to the classic good vs. evil stories that characterize the series.

    Favorite Characters:

    Though Final Fantasy Tactics is extremely close, I would have to say FFIV. There is Cecil, Kain, the original FF-mystery-badass, Edge, Edward, Rydia and, most of all, Golbez.

    Favorite Character:

    Shadow from Final Fantasy VI. When I first played FFVI many, many years ago, when most people in America called in Final Fantasy III, I instantly thought Shadow was the coolest looking, most badass character ever. My favorite part in the entire game was when Kekfa was rearranging the earth's surface with the three statues or whatever, and suddenly Shadow jumps out from the hills and crushes Kekfa with the statues. It was all so sudden, so.... badass. Then, of course, there was the part when Shadow jumped through the burning roof to save Relm or when Shadow gave Terra advice on love, or trying to figure out his dark history by sleeping in the inns and then there is Interceptor.

    Favorite Battle System:

    Tough choice, but I will have to choose Final Fantasy Tactics over FFIV, FFVI and FFVIII. Though FFV is also a great game, I've always thought that the job system in Tactics was just better.

    Favorite Villain:

    Before I played Final Fantasy VI, I thought that Golbez from Final Fantasy IV was the coolest looking, most badass character ever. I love the part where you see him for the first time: Kain had just beat the crap out of Cecil and Golbez majestically walks into the room and devastates Yang and Edward with a simple energy blast, than bitch slaps Rosa and carries her out of the room while Kain grabs the Crystal and quickly follows. Ah, very, very cool. Plus, what is a video game villain without his cool subordinates? There is Kain, Rubicant, Kainazzo....

    Favorite Story:

    Final Fantasy VI. I love the whole thing, from the start where you have the two Magitek riders and the mysterious girl tearing through some poor mining town searching for a lost Esper to the end when you confront the angelic Kekfa after beating his horde of Bosses and his tower of bones and flesh.

    Favorite Ending:

    Final Fantasy VI again. Where you see everybody using their individual abilities to escape the tower and how espers and magic no longer exist and then you get the little scenes with the character's special items or whatever, like for Gogo you see his/her hood taken off and for Shadow you see an apple that is suddenly covered with ninja stars.

  22. #52
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Got to be final fantasy 7. Its just the fact that the different songs all provoke individual or a blend of emotions inside you, the fact that one person could compose and achieve such a magnificent blend of musics which provoke anger, sadness, thoughtfullness, hope and mainy others in this game makes it just amazing

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Its a really close decision between 7 and 9, but even thought theres such and interesting mix of characters in 9 im gonna go for 7: You had a bunch of (mostly) strangers, all brought together to save the planet from meteor. Cloud, who by chance accepted a job for a small payment from avalanche, ends up saving the world, with his mix of confusion to wether or not he is a clone, and his braveness throughout the game. Aeris is magnificent, a person with so much braveness she was willing to lay down her life at the hands of Sephiroth to save others. And on top of that i like spellcasters . Red XIII (nanaki) is just the coolest character, wether it be the fact he has a flaming tail or the fact hes a talking, intelligent lion type thing with so much love for his grandfather. I wont bother going on about the others, cause we'd be here all day..

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    9, Vivi!! Definitely the best character, shy yet powerful, curious yet wise. He puts aside of him the fact he will not get too live a normal life, to help other's lives. Just seeing this little mage with a pointed hat and his peculiar staves, casting magnificent spells (Osmose i think looks particularly good) just leaves you in an unrivaled awe. He's philosophical (Vivi: How do you know we exist? Maybe we don't exist), a black mage (always the coolest) and one of the youngest of the group, yet the strongest emotionally and physically(or magically i guess). That, in short, is why he's my favourite.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    6. It was simple, effective, and not overly annoying *cough*8*cough*. I didn't mind the one on 8, but its was, i dunno, annoying, some people with draw, others with item, others with magic etc. Just changing it around was a hastle. But 6 on the other hand: You had everyone with attack and item, and 1 or 2 skills that are individual to that person, and maybe another skill you can gain through the use of a relic. Simple and easy. 9 was also a great one.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Seifer. He's cruel, powerful, intimidating and well, would whoop Squalls ass anyday (or should). From the start, seeing him battle with Squall, the unleashing the fire spell, truly magical.
    He wasnt the ff worlds most powerful enemy, but the most enjoyable, the one i love to hate

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    final fantasy 9. All the way through, the countless people you meet, the diversity of each character and the magnitude of it. All from the beginning where you have to get into the arena with Vivi and watch the swordfight with Zidane, Watching the play as Zidane, Blank and his team battle, with the funny addition of the special affects like pyre, then the whole kidnapping of Garnet. All the way through, different parts at black mage village, looking out for the two annoying jesters, Sorn and Zorn, who are just idiotic, but funny. The storyline, the magic of every single character, shy vivi, thoughtful freya, madly wierd Quina, Little Eiko, last of the summoners, just keeps you hooked till the very last battle with Necron, who controlled Kuja with his evil for his own purposes, and then all over again. 24050663 times (now theres an idea......).

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Final fantasy 9, with 8 coming a close second. The music, with the fmv playing, makes you sad in a happy, fullfilled way. Sad its over, Happy the world is free. And the part where The child says "I am Vivi, son of Vivi!", well that was enough to send me on an emotional roundabout. Absolutely amazing

    Overall: final fantasy 9, for all the reasons ive mentioned. And more

  23. #53
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    I don't have an exact favorite for this question cause all of the games had their good musics, and had their bad musics. But if I had to go with a game, I'd go with FFIX. The music always fit in with that part of the story.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    I'd go with FFVI, the characters were unique, and their personality unfolded as the game went on. They all had that mysterious touch to them that made things even more exciting.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    FFIV. Kain was the greatest character ever. He was a Dragoon, and I love that class, along with being very wise and smart. Although, throught the game, get's mind controlled...

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    I liked what they did with the Materia system in FFVII. I hated the drawing system in FFVIII, it was really annoying. FFVII makes you date back to FFI, II, II, and V...when you had to buy the magic.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Kefka by far...He just...suited the part of, 'bad guy'...he had that really annoying evil laugh, that always got me to laugh...and He was just considered a pawn for the real bad guy (emperor Ghestal), until he gets dispatched.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    I loved the story in FFVI. The characters come together to protect the world from somebody who became a god...It's really neat. They avoid any differences, and go and do their task of saving the world.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    I adored FFVIII's ending...I loved Eyes on Me. That movie really touched me at the end though...almost was crying...very rare for me.

  24. #54
    I want you to tell your Favorite FF on several levels, and why.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Well, I think that if I REALLY had to choose, my favorite FF in soundtrack wise would be FFVII. One Winged Angel was absolutely brilliant. It makes me feel how terrifying Sephiroth was/is. Vincent’s theme gave me a sense of frighten that still gives me chills up my spin and the Ancient City songs made me feel… I don’t know how to describe it. Hahah… I’m such a sap. Overall, I would say that the FFVII soundtrack, you can just feel the sorrow, the excitement, the panic, the joy and mellowness of the game.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    I would say, FFVII also had all my favorite overall characters. There was not one person that really ticked me off. The closest was Yuffie, but then I liked her too. Each character had their story to unfold while going through the journey of the game. Cloud, Tifa and Vincent were my absolute fave out of the game though. I loved how they had the hidden characters, but I wish they were in the ending movie. Hehehe

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Hm… absolute fave character ey? I don’t think I can choose this one. Cloud, Vincent, Locke, Shadow, Edger, Edge, Auron, Squall, Zidane, Freya- Don’t make me choose!!!!

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    I loved the FFVII battle system. The material was really cool and simple. Anyone and everyone could use it. The second I would say is FFVI. I liked how they each could get skills. I was harder, but was cool. The samurai, thief, mages, I loved them.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    FFVII no doubt. Sephiroth was the greatest, in my opinion. He wasn’t trying to be pure evil, but he was. He wanted to gain the power of the planet because he thought that his mother was suppose to inherit it and not left for greedy people. He had a plan and not to just destroy the world. Also, he killed Aeris. He didn’t try to make her his partner or anything, he killed her to make the planet his. He’s the first villain to kill off one of the main characters, that I could think of. He wasn’t bad from the start, we see that he grew into it when he found out what he really is. I’d be pretty mad too. Heh

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Storyline, it would really be a tight three-way tie with FFVI, FFVII and FFX. Square has always got me sooo absorbed into the FF games that all I could do was play the game. In FFVI, the story itself was very well done, it was simple and to me, well thought out. It was easy and difficult and just fantastic. I want to say more, but I don’t want to leave any spoilers. FFVII was quite twisted. I love twists. FFVII’s story gave me great deals of emotions. Like the soundtrack, you feel many different things when you are playing the game. So much that when I play, it makes me feel like I’m in the game. Hard to describe really. FFX did the same. Just swept me into the game giving me so many emotions. It was wonderful how they tied the Fayths into the characters and how Tidus and… ahh, I don’t want to spoil anything. Really, these three games really can’t be described in words. Just have to play them to know. Heh.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    FFX had my favorite ending. I was in tears. The ending was so emotional. What happen to Auron was so surprising, like Aeris dying (hopefully everyone knows that here). And Tidus going away… man, it was something that I think only Squaresoft can do. This is mainly why I’m against a sequel to FFX. The game was great, and I don’t want them to TRY to make it better. But that’s a different story. Anywho- FFX in my opinion had the best ending.

  25. #55
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    FFVIII- Eyes on me was great. The songs were very good not to mention the music was fitting to the moments.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    FFX- The charaters were so real.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Auron-The way he entered the game, his attitude, his mysteriousness, and the fact he was unsent. He was so cool.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    FFX- Easy,very straight forward. FFVIII was so compicated it was so customisable. It was hard to figure out.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    FF-VIII-Edea. she was really cool and pretty.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    FFvIII really complex, took some time to figure out. I still do not fully know all the storyline.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    FFVIII. I still not beat FFX 'cause I'm trying to max my stats.

    *points down*
    Last edited by Rinoa.Heartilly; 08-26-2004 at 09:40 AM.

  26. #56
    1. Final Fantasy X. I would say the music was probably the only good part of 10, lol. The main song (forgot the name) was really strong and all the music seemed to fit perfectly with the mood.

    2. Final Fantasy IV. The characters had such memorable personalities. Also, there was never a shortage of characters, considering that you fight with 5 people. Also, it had some of the most powerful characters (Cecil, Kain, FuSoYa, Tellah).

    3. Final Fantasy IV and Kain. I LOVE dragoons. They are by far my favorite class. And i think Kain is like as cool as a dragoon could get! His personality is cool because he wants to help his friends but he is also jealous of Cecil, and when he is controlled he is at his peak!

    4. Final Fantasy VII. I really liked the idea of materia. You could totally customize your characters into ANYTHING you wanted. I think the only down side is that by the end you had like 8 of the same character, lol...

    5. Final Fantasy IV. Golbez. I really liked him because the whole game you think he is like this really bad guy and he is behind everything, and then in the end he ends up helping you. You find that Kain wasn't the only one being controlled....

    6. Final Fantasy VII. Although the whole amnesia thing was a little overplayed after 7, i thought it was great. Like, you never really expected it until Cloud finds out, and you are just as shocked as he is.

    7. Final Fantasy X. It had the most emotional ending and probably the best ending music. Not to mention the terrific graphics in the end when you see all the summons diappearing in the background and Yuna just starring off at Tidus. And then when she runs through him, man that was cool....

  27. #57
    MUSIC: That would defenitly be ff6. I love how each character had thier own theme song and how fitting each one was. The music greatly enhanced parts of the game like how variations of Terra's theme during the opening credits as the magi-tek armors marched thier way to Narshe and Maranda in the World of Ruin, the Figaro music during the brother's flashback scenes, and Setzers theme during the ending while the airship flew did. 7 is a close second for similar reasons.

    OVERALL CHARACTERS: ff6 again. The story behind one character could fill a game in itself and this game had at least 8 good character stories. The characters were also the most quotable. It seemed like every other event something memorable was said. Again, ff7 is a close second.

    BEST CHARACTER: Though I liked ff6 overall I must say ff7's Cloud is my favorite. He had the most interesting story and was... well... cool!

    BEST BATTLE SYSTEM: This is a tough one. I loved the job system of ff5 and fft and the materia of ff7. They gave you so many options so, unlike other ff's, 2 players wouldn't end up with the exact same build. What I really didn't like was the tedium required in ff9 for example.

    BEST VILLAIN: Its a tie between Kefka and Sepheroth. Sepheroth was so sure he was in the right and had a history with your main character. And Kefka was emotionally unbalanced do to an experiment gone wrong. His main rational was "Why do we live knowing all things must die?" In the simplest terms he's just plain evil.

    BEST STORYLINE: Its a tough choice between ff6 and ff7. ff6 had so many characters each with thier own backround all of whos lives were affected by the empire. ff7's story had a personal history between your main character and the main villain. Unlike ff6 the whole game is chasing after one man.

    BEST ENDING: ff6 hands down! The later ones may have had thier fancy cinematics but only ff6 was as complete as it was. It went through each characters escape from the tower as thier theme songs played and they said something sentimental. That was followed by the airship flying while Setzers theme played. Very dramatic!

    OTHER THINGS: I must say fft would have done very well in all these categories. ff8 was my least favorite. The characters were so bland they might as well have been robots and what little plot there was made even less sense. The game was very confining both in the battle system and the series of events. I have yet to play ff10 so that might change everything but from what I've seen nothing will top 6 & 7. And I don't see what people see in 8 at all.

  28. #58

    This is a good idea...

    First of all, the music would definitely have to be the hardest. Nobuo Uematsu is a great composer. I'd give a thumbs up to Matoya's Cave from Final Fantasy and Eyes On Me from Final Fantasy VIII, but in the end Final Fantasy VII comes through with One Winged Angel, The Cry of the Planet, Cosmo Canyon, and Those Chosen By The Planet.

    This is another difficult one. I'd say that the characters from Final Fantasy VII are the best. Red XIII's story, Cid's story, Barrett's story, and especially Cloud's story touched me.

    This is a close one between Squall and Cloud. (Spoilers) Squall had the thing of pretending not to care but really did and was more sensitive than the usual guy because his best friend was taken away. Cloud had hated himself for being so weak. He tried to impress Tifa by saying he would join SOLDIER but he couldn't do that either. He was so unimpressed with his strength that he offered to be a science experiment. (Spoilers) In the end, Cloud wins.

    Final Fantasy VIII was great but it was too time consuming. Final Fantasy VII wins again. I like being able to choose how your character is built up.

    This is the only one where one person kills everyother person in the race. Sephiroth is beyond the best. He was so cold-hearted and corrupt, but he wasn't altogether evil. He thought he was doing his work for the best of the planet. That's cool. Plus he looks cool.

    The best storyline again would have to be Final Fantasy VII. It was great, with Aeris dying and all. The Sephiroth story was good too. The Cloud story was great. It starts really picking up after the beginning of disk 2. (Spoilers) You know when you find out Sephiroth isn't the real Sephiroth and Cloud was a clone (Spoilers).

    The ending I'd have to say would be Final Fantasy VII. (Spoilers) It shows you that just because the game was completed doesn't mean the good guys won. Fortunately the life stream stopped Meteor before it got deeper. (Spoilers)

    I'm an all around Final Fantasy VII guy you could say.

  29. #59
    best music: i gotta say the best music was a tie between ff7 and 8 to be honest

    best overall characters:the best ff crew was ff7 because they were a mix of weird people which made it an unusual line up

    best character:well i dunno i say it has to be tidus coz he was an idiot which made it funny and his ***** arse sayins if ya run from battle

    best ff storyline:well i gotta say ff7 had the best story line because it was the weirdest most confusing one

  30. #60
    Zephyr Oraculum
    Favorite Music: Has to be Final Fantasy VI. This is when the music of the game really started to change into something legendary.

    Favorite Overall Characters: A tie between VI and IX. I know IX takes a lot of crap but I love the characters in the game especially the non playable ones.

    Favorite Character: Ive got a 3 way tie here. Zidane, Locke, and Squall. I know most people dont like Squall but he developed so much in the game I couldnt help but feel like we had some kind of connection. Zidane was just carefree and Lockes a bad ass and a half.

    Favorite Villain - Tie between Kefka and Kuja. Kefka was just plain awesome and I felt sorry and I had an understanding for Kuja. A lot of people say Sephiroth and I just dont understand that. Ill play 7 again and see if I change my mind.

    Favorite Ending - Final Fanatsy IX. It was fantastic and wrapped up most or all the loose ends (I cant remember if it got all of them). I didn't really like FFVI's ending and I didn't really like FFVII's. FFVIII's was pretty good and so was FFX's. FFIV's wasn't so great either. I havent beat FFV yet.

    Best Storyline: Final Fantasy VI. I can play it over and over just because of the story. You can play time and time again and get something different out of it or play with different characters and get a new experience. Definetly the best FF ever.
    Last edited by Zephyr Oraculum; 05-15-2004 at 11:55 AM.

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